

Streams of Joy recognises that personal care can be a challenging service for clients, as it involves close interaction between the client and care assistant. However, we offer specialised training to our care assistants to provide exceptional care and treat every client with respect and dignity during personal care services. Our ultimate goal is to ensure our clients feel comfortable and well-supported throughout the process.

The Streams of Joy Team is equipped with the necessary training to provide a wide range of personal care services, including

  • Getting out of bed
  • Washing / Bathing / Showering
  • Getting dressed / Undressed
  • Managing continence
  • Emptying commodes
  • Skin and Hair care
  • Prompting, assisting with or administering medication
  • Going to Bed
  • Shaving and grooming
  • Eating and drinking
  • Monitoring of nutrition and weight

How It Works

At Streams of Joy, we prioritise delivering a discreet and professional service to our clients. We work in partnership with our clients, families and multidisciplinary agencies to create a personalised care plan that prioritises the needs and values of our clients. This approach to care helps our clients to improve their quality of life.

Our staff are well trained and dedicated to providing personalised care with empathy, respect and good communication skills, which helps us ensure our client's needs are understood and prioritised on time.